Week 8 Reading and Writing

Overall, I think that the reading and writing assignments are really fun to do. I have not been good at managing my time this semester, so I'm glad we get this review week to catch up and rethink our reading/working schedules. I have been having trouble deciding what colors I want to use as the background for my Thoughts blog; I think I might change it to green. I'm not really sure how to change the colors of my storybook website, so I'll have to do some more exploring with the settings I guess.

I really like the stories I have written and re-written so far. It feels good to have a class where being creative is the goal. When I started this class, I wasn't sure if I would have the brain to be able to reinvent stories in an original way. Now, I feel that I can definitely do that, so I think that is my biggest accomplishment. Just knowing that I do have the creativity in me to be able to create things like my blog and my storybook is extremely empowering.

I love the research I've been doing on Shashthi, and I'm excited to be able to further express her personality using her voice throughout my storybook. I think the most memorable story I've read so far was Vyasa and Ganesha because of just how weird and random the story is. I also loved re-writing Thataka and empowering her instead of leaving her as some evil demon.

All in all, I think that I definitely need to do all the extra credit that I can and create a better schedule for myself for the reading and writing for this class. I want to experiment with new note taking strategies and see how that will impact my retelling of these stories.

This is an image of Shashthi and her cat. I chose this image because I LOVE Shashthi and everything she represents. I am so excited to learn more about her through my storybook project!
Source: Shashthi


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