Thoughts on Carol Dweck's Growth Mindset

Growth Mindset is something that I have never heard of before this assignment. I think many people can benefit from the growth mindset in all aspects of life. Students can benefit from it by forming a desire to want to learn more instead of just wanting to make good grades. People can also use the growth mindset with their careers and fitness by continuing in them with the need for more knowledge and growing goals. I like to try to have a positive outlook on life, so I will definitely be putting the growth mindset approach to the test. I feel that I am currently in the middle of a fixed and growth mindset. I enjoy a challenge, but I also like when I am able to complete my work with ease. Personally, I feel that the class determines my mindset. In a math class, I am more likely to have more of a fixed mindset because I tend to have trouble with it, whereas with this class, I have never done anything like it before and feel excited to learn.

A picture of the brain about retraining your brain to a growth mindset. 
Image source: Pixabay

 It definitely seems like it could be challenging to completely change from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset, so I agree with Dr. Dweck that we should teach our children at an early age the value of their efforts and reward trying instead of all of their successes. I also see this as being problematic in not giving kids enough unconditional positive regard. If they succeed in something, or are good at something, they should recieve some sort of praise just as they should for trying their best and it not working out. I also feel that Dr. Dweck doesn't put too much consideration into what factors may be affecting their mindset like epoverty, poor living conditions, and other negative life events. Overall, I think that the growth mindset is the ideal way to think, but because of extenuating circumstances, this mindset may be harder to reach for some than others.


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